School Days

4 minutes


First week of classes done!

It’s been a very long week, and I’m honestly both physically and mentally tired. The class schedule at Tsuda is slightly different than back at home for me, so it’s taken some time to get adjusted to how things are. For starters, Tsuda does their year by terms. I will be here for Terms 1 & 2, and I guess Term 2 is a pretty short period compared to 1, 3 & 4. Classes are by periods here with a break for lunch from 12:00-13:00. Unlike at my university, classes can occur at any time and there are no set blocks where everyone has to be at class. And it never fails, right on the dot, when class is supposed to start, a bell chimes throughout the school. You then hear it again exactly when class ends. I do like this better, because at home, teachers will sometimes talk past the time class is supposed to end if you let them(;_;)

Japanese schools are also insanely clean. Or American schools are just dirtier? Everything is so spotless lol. School lunch is also cheaper here. There’s a conbini on campus, but you can also get something at the cafeteria. My lunch cost 560¥ or $3.62. I have quickly realized, however, that the cafeteria fills up quickly at lunch time. If I want to be able to sit and eat with my friends, we have to arrive early.

I’m taking 6 courses. 4 are Japanese language classes which are mandatory for exchange students to take. My other 2 classes are fun electives I was interested in. So far, my first impression is, I will have to focus really hard in order to do well. My Japanese language classes are taught entirely in Japanese, and if I don’t pay attention, I immediately become lost. My professors are all patient with us and understand most of us aren’t fluent in Japanese, but that doesn’t mean they will begin teaching in English. I learned this the hard way with my first class on Monday. I originally sat in the back, but within 5 minutes of class starting, I picked up my stuff and moved to the front of the class to pay attention better lol.

So far…and I’ve only been to each class once…the classes don’t seem too bad? Maybe with the exception of the polite speaking class. but that is because I didn’t understand, keigo, or formal speech, back when it was taught to me in America, so what makes one think I’ll get it now? (;_;)All my professors seem really nice though, so I’ll make sure to ask questions as I have them. I usually take pretty good and detailed notes, so I think I’ll be okay as long as I keep up with my work. I tend to not focus in my room, because of all the distractions, so I’m going to try studying at the school’s library more often.

I really like my Japanese studies seminar so far out of all my classes. My professor is so cool! I wanna be like her when I grow up lol. She was born and raised in Japan but did her masters in London. She is a well known researcher who actually did studies on Japan’s red light district, pornography, and the sex work industry. Her work just seems really fascinating, because it’s not something that’s really talked about when you talk about Japan. I think her class will be interesting, because we will be learning about some of the deeper societal issues and developments within Japanese culture. It’s also taught in English so thank god lol.

I’m still trying to get a routine and balance school along with adapting to a new culture. In all honesty, I’m not sleeping the best at night, because it doesn’t feel like home, if that makes sense. On the days I have on class, I usually crash hard and take a several hour nap. Then, I’m trying to stay on top of homework the best I can, because on the weekend I want to explore Japan. I’m working with my friend Sam, and we’re trying our best to create a schedule and routine that works best for us. It’s a work in progress, but I hope to slowly start adapting to a new normal.


Seminar on Japanese StudiesGrammar
Polite Speaking
Intro to Japanese Studies
My class schedule. My Japanese studies courses are both in English!

One response to “School Days”

  1. ksorrdd1aea8a50 Avatar

    Hi, Nya! I am really enjoying your stories about your travels and you have a great writing style. I am sending lots of good thoughts your way for good adventures. Take care–Kindra


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One response to “School Days”

  1. ksorrdd1aea8a50 Avatar

    Hi, Nya! I am really enjoying your stories about your travels and you have a great writing style. I am sending lots of good thoughts your way for good adventures. Take care–Kindra


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